QuillNow – AI Writing Assistant

AI-Powered Language Analysis for the Writing Community

At QuillNow, we provide content creators with a new and improved platform for streamlining their work and improving quality and consistency. Whether you are a content writer, publisher, screenwriter, student, or other creator, our artificial intelligence-powered writing assistant gives you the tools you need to take your projects to the next level, effortlessly providing consistent, high-quality results.

What is QuillNow?

QuillNow represents a seismic shift in how writers, publishers, and students work with text. Our natural language analysis platform with built-in artificial intelligence streamlines and resolves some of the most common issues that plague these sectors, including:

QuillNow is the writing-specific incarnation of artificial intelligence solutions, utilizing bleeding-edge technology to help writers, students, and publishers across the globe streamline and improve their work.

QuillNow for Students

Students transitioning into college and university-level education are exposed to a level of competition unlike anything else – there are increasing numbers of applicants for a fixed amount of places, and anything that can put your application over the top is an absolute must. 

Increasingly, standardized test scores are being deprioritized by universities in favor of the crispness and effectiveness of the application essay and statement of purpose – with QuillNow, you can understand the strengths and weaknesses of your text before you apply to the university.

Our AI-powered application review tool means that you can get a head start on your fellow students. Simply enter your application essay into the platform, and QuillNow will provide you with immediate feedback on the strength of your arguments, essay structuring, information density, lexical sophistication, and readability.

Improve your essay – and your chances of being admitted to your college or university of choice – with QuillNow.

QuillNow for Content Writers

Content writing is a lot more complex than some people might realize. The truth is, continually coming up with engaging content that resonates with your desired audience is tricky – and the more that you write, the more likely you are to fall into the classic traps of becoming overtly biased, producing stale content, or missing the mark with your audience. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT provide a suboptimal solution – unfortunately, the output is simply not of a high enough quality. QuillNow applies AI to YOUR writing, allowing you to preserve the unique style and signature of your work without losing the authenticity.

With QuillNow as your AI writing assistant, you have a super-powered platform that offers the essential proofreading and editing that we all rely on – and advanced guidance and analytical feedback. This is truly the next generation of writer-based technology: just like spell-checking tools changed the writing environment all those years ago, so too does QuillNow.

Using the QuillNow artificial intelligence software to create and curate your portfolio helps you assess your work for different features like emotion and readability, ultimately working to attract new clients – you can even showcase your work along with analytical scores around the bias, informativeness, and emotional profiles. If you are a freelance writer or seeking a new contract position, store and share your work efficiently and reliably with your QuillNow portfolio.

Make your work more authentic, more engaging, and more efficient with QuillNow artificial intelligence for writing.

QuillNow for Publishers

Dealing with the seemingly endless stream of inquiries from writers is exhausting. There simply is no time to give each submission the time and effort it needs – but you certainly do not want to miss out on a potential diamond in the rough.

With the QuillNow platform, you can teach the AI what your preferences are, upload examples of texts that you have published in the past (and would want to emulate certain features or specifications of), and then let the AI do its magic. You will quickly and efficiently be presented with the shortlist of work that fits your criteria (including style, lexical richness and profile, readability level, etc.), and you can focus on these.

Save time, reduce your workload, and get to the most promising writing more rapidly with QuillNow artificial intelligence technology.

What Next?

You can try QuillNow for yourself – start with a completely free, no-obligation 7-day trial, then choose the price plan that best describes you and your needs. If you need further help, feel free to reach out to the QuillNow team, who will be happy to discuss your requirements and help you however we can.