QuillNow – Text Analysis Platform

Apply to Colleges and Universities with the Power of AI

The college and university application process is as stressful as it gets. With thousands of students applying for a limited number of places – you need to make sure you have every possible advantage. You have always been told how important your test scores are, but in the modern education environment, these are actually taking second place to the quality of your application. So, how do you make sure your college application essay is on point when the stakes are this high and every single word counts?

You use QuillNow.

Our AI-powered platform acts as part guide, part mentor – meticulously analyzing your application essay and providing you with specific and actionable feedback to ensure that you have the best possible chance of getting accepted. Speaking of chance, QuillNow will even give you a score for your essay – a numerical representation of the kind of college or university that would be likely to accept you on the basis of your application: the higher the score, the higher ranked institution your essay is suitable for.

Set Your Application Ahead of the Pack

When it comes time to apply for the next step in your educational journey, you are likely filled with a mix of emotions – stress, excitement, doubt, and hope usually chief among them. You carefully choose which course you want to take and which institution is best placed to teach you and propel you into the career portion of your life. Unfortunately, that course and institution have likely also been chosen by a great many of your peers – and there are a finite number of places available. That means every step you take in the application process needs to be perfectly aligned with your goals and the needs of the college or university.

How to use quillnow

With QuillNow, you can ensure that your application essay is honed and polished to give you the best chance of standing out and getting that all-important acceptance letter. The AI platform is simple to use – just follow these steps:

Your score is based on historical statistics and measurements of previous acceptances and is as accurate a prediction as possible.

How Does QuillNow Work?

QuillNow is a natural language analysis platform. The platform has been ‘taught’ what makes an excellent university or college application and can apply that knowledge to your essay – and give you immediate advice and guidance on how to improve your text to make it resonate with the intake committee at any given institution. 

In addition, QuillNow knows the acceptance rates of various essays – that’s how it knows what makes a good piece. Using that information, the system will estimate your likelihood of being accepted using your current draft. Using this score and the accompanying advice, you can tweak your essay and improve your odds.

Remove the Doubt

From the time you apply to the time you get a letter in response, you are in a state of limbo. You second-guess what you have submitted, doubt your abilities, and worry about your future career path.

With QuillNow, you can take away that period of doubt entirely. You will know, for sure, that you did everything you could when it comes to your application essay – the guesswork is removed. Think of it like having a professional application essay reviewer on your team: they have read hundreds of essays, know what works and what doesn’t, and can tell you how to improve.

That’s QuillNow for Students.

Take the Next Step With QuillNow

Score your essay with QuillNow to find out exactly how our AI technology can help you get the best first impression with your university or college application – don’t leave it entirely to chance when there is a tool right here to give you the winning edge.

5 Credits

Score 300 word application essay

$ 0

10 Credits

Score 750 word application essay

$ 0

25 Credits

Score application essay over 750 words

$ 0